Hello. My Name Is Robin-Louise


                                                Me pondering with my wild and curly hair.

Me enjoying my nature aka my church.

Me as a happy and goofy kid.

My "twin" and me aka my Daddy.

Me with my other "twin" aka my Mommie.


From newborn to college graduate......
      I know.  It has been a long while since I've ever posted a blog.....a really long while.  A lot has happened in the last 3 years.....well even further than that.....but I'm not all that comfortable posting as of yet. Right now isn't really about what has happened in the past but what is happening right NOW in the present.  It is January 1st, New Year's Day and a chance for new beginnings and improving our lives for the better.  We set these goals and challenges every year about getting a better job, making more money, travel, weight loss.  My goal for this year is to get to know me....the real me
      All my life I've been around people who have tried to change my physical appearance (such as straighten my curly hair or told me I should wear pants instead of skirts or dresses) or tried changing my personality.  Yeah that's right, my personality.  I am considered too nice and too quiet.  When ever I've attempted to pursue a position, whether it be teaching or be a customer service supervisor, people have always told me that I couldn't make it because I'm not tough enough or they would simply ignore my requests for the position.  So, what did I do?  Over the years I've changed into what I thought they wanted and lost sight of who I am. 
      In order to repair the change that has been made to my person I need to reintroduce myself to me by spending this year (365 days) and get to know me.  I want to get to know what makes me smile, laugh, think, and everything that makes me ME in the pursuit of my happiness and serenity....So for the next year I'll be documenting every reflection (good or bad) on this journey at least once a week.....And I would like to take you along with me because I can't do this alone.  Starting right now I am rebuilding the reprise role of the original Robin-Louise who ever she may be. 

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