What I do when I’m in the middle of a depressive episode

     This weekend was kind of “off” not knowing how to feel and what to do.  I just feel awful not wanting to get out of  bed and letting my personal hygiene go.  I know what depression feels like.  It feels like being stuck in quick sand not knowing how to get out of it.  But somehow you can make it out one step at a time.  

1.  Do a simple chore such as washing the dishes or vacuum the rugs.  Doing this  can make you feel like you’ve contributed something to society.  

2.  Take a shower.  Now, doesn’t that feel better?  

3.  Don’t forget to eat and drink.  Fix yourself a cup of tea and stay hydrated.  

4.  Do a mindless activity such as knitting or coloring.  Put on some smooth music and get to coloring.  It’s a slow activity but after a while you can see the results and you will feel a whole lot better.  

If you have any questions/or want to talk on what I do to “control” my bipolar holistically feel free to leave a comment down below.  I can’t wait to talk with you.  Well, I bid you adieu! 


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