The Vegan Revolution

     Veganism has been around for many years but people still go after meat and milk cows dry until they can’t be milked ever again so then they are euthanized.  Pets are sent to breeders and, if cute enough, are bred, sometimes inbred by a close family member and charged almost 1000 dollars per puppy.  This is what is called a puppy mill.  If a dog can’t be bred anymore they are sent to a kill shelter along with the dogs nobody wants.  Then there is trophy hunting where elephants are killed for their tusks and lions for their hides.  The world is falling apart because of our choice we take with everything we do with the first thing we do in the morning to the last thing we do at night.  Choose wisely.  Choose electric, or solar, instead of gas/oil, grow your food, recycle, use compostable items, etc.  

    News update: People, now a days, are being pushed into veganism because of the rising cost of meat and dairy products.  Which is great!  It might take a while to get used to being vegan, but it isn’t hard.  Slowly switch dairy milk for nut milk then over time switch to vegan cheese.  You might want to make your own cheese or nut milk.  Get your fruits and veggies, and beans and lentils, brown rice or quinoa.  Your might want to get frozen fruit or veggies for they last longer.  A great idea would be to grow your own veggies during the spring and summer and harvest, jar, freeze them during the fall and winter.   Also, put food scraps in a compost pile to be used in your garden to help with the soil’s nutrients.  Try to reuse and/or not use plastic packaging and plastic bags.  It’s just not littering.  But the animals are being killed by them plus, oil is killing them.  Remember the Dawn advertisement?

    Hopefully, with our choice to help the planet we can reverse the treatment that our world has to endure.  With climate change, polar ice caps melting, the water level rising.  It’s not just about what we eat but it can begin with that.  Remember our choice has a big impact on what happens with our planet’s fate.  Choose wisely.    


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